
XCIV: Still Here. Barely.

Been around and about a bit. We were still recovering from Vegas when she dragged us off to some conference in San Francisco. At least it was only an hour in the car, but while she was out having sushi on Valentine's Night, John and I stayed in.

To be clear, here is our Valentine's Night:

And here is hers:

The view from the hotel room wasn't bad, though.

At night.

On a cloudy day.

On a sunnier day.
 And she did at least take us up to Top of the Mark for drinks. Though then we were forced to endure her dancing. In public.

Probably a good thing it was so dark in there.
Anyway, once we'd finished with the conference, we had to live through yet another concert. I'm grateful that it was an acoustic job, not so loud as some of them.

Richard Marx
And then! Star Wars? We rode something called a "Millennium Falcon." (No pictures allowed on that. But John was ridiculously excited about it.)

John and some stuff I don't care about.

More stuff I don't care about.

Don't care . . .

Don't care . . .

John found this funny for some reason.

Don't care . . .

This looked like fun but John wouldn't let me touch anything.

John liked this one.

A spaceship.

And here's another one.

Here's that one again from the other side.

And oh, look, another spaceship.

The outing was ended with the obligatory Johnny Rocket's. Because where else would you go after seeing something called Star Wars?

Since then, we've been resting at home. Though it's become more crowded since she organized her office . . .

Who are all these people?

And there are rumors of a trip to someplace called Ikea this weekend . . .

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